Tag Archives: thieves

The Never Ending Battle Against Thieves

It is a hard fact of life that if you have something, someone out there probably wants it and given the opportunity will take it against your will.

There are two things most at risk…
Your equipment and your money.

I have little in the way of equipment to worry about, but money is an entirely different issue and at times it seems I am being robbed on a daily basis.

The problem comes down to your container.

Simply put, the more secure you make it, the less donations you may receive, though if your lucky you may instead receive larger denominations.

I began with a cup which was smashed when someone kicked it.

A cardboard box worked well enough except when it got wet.

I moved to an “unbreakable” salad bowl with padding which someone picked up and walked off with the entire contents. (I replaced it with a fat cheaper salad bowl)

Hmmm…what to do…what to do…

Welcome to my continuing evolution for securing the donation bowl…

1. Fish Trap: Because of people simply grabbing money, I placed the bowl in a fish trap which helped avoid the risk of wind blowing any notes away…but as it turned out, failed to stop the thieves who would simply push the trap down to grab the money.

2. Chain: After a thief walked off with the bowl, I now chain the bowl to my bag (which for the record is rather heavy, requiring a trolley to transport)

3. Metal Waste Basket: To stop thieves from pushing the fish trap down, I added a standard office wire waste basket…stopped the thief though they made a go for the money, warping the basket in the process.

4. Add 2 extra baskets: Needing additional strength to the framework, I simply added 2 more baskets…the thieves then used the added strength of the setup to force their hand through the netting instead.

5. Metal Grill and Padlocks: Adding a 4th waste basket for additional strength, I then placed a metal grill (a serving tray of some sort) with stands that fit snugly in the top of the baskets…this I held in place with padlocks…1 securing the grill to the baskets and a second to secure the fish trap to the grill to guide money thrown in to the centre.

Still getting thieves attempting to steal (lost my Easter egg I had in the bottom the other day)

Currently considering adding the following options when finances allow…

6. Cash Catcher: Simply put, a sleeve that will allow money to drop in, but will catch money if someone tries to tip it out.

7. Mirrors to keep a better eye on the bowl (thieves typically take note of such things)

My favorite idea though is…

8. Notebook with an 11 hour battery and a couple of pin hole wireless security cameras (one in the basket to show attempts made from inside where you can’t see and the second watching the outside of the basket)

The idea is simple…

Record the thief in action…print up a poster or three with the thieves picture on it (you want to be sure the attempt was a genuine one and not your imagination which is why a camera in the bowl which you then tape up where you are busking (a lot of thieves hang out in the areas they steal in…some even working or living in the area).

And to get the point across…name and shame by uploading to YouTube.

The problem though, being cost and a need to get your facts right (you do not want to accuse someone who is innocent, let alone someone who may be supporting you.

Another idea is to use one of those handbag alarms you can buy, to place under your bowl which will go off if someone picks it up.

In the end, you need to be more aware than you may be.

One rule exists…

You have money in the open?

Someone will try to take it.