Tag Archives: junkie

Views on drugs

As far as I am concerned, if you want to do drugs that is your business. The only rule being that you don’t make it someone else’s problem.

And that last part is the catch.

Chances are you will have people who care about you (no matter your personal opinion on the matter) who will be upset at any harm you may cause yourself or others.

But from my perspective, it is very easy for someone to go from having a good time to being a problem.

No matter what people think, I do not do drugs having no need for such a crutch to let loose my imagination (obviously I do wonder what I might create under the influence, but then I feel I would not be a part of the creative process so what is the point)

My reasons for not doing drugs is simple…

1. I do not like needles! So don’t even think about offering me one because you will not like the response if you don’t get the hint.

2. I do not smoke! And for the record, being around marijuana gives me a headache.

3. One of the ingredients drugs may be cut with, I am allergic to…fatally allergic to.

4. Far too many druggies and alcoholics have threatened violence against me and those I care about…

The excuse “It isn’t me, it is the [insert substance abuse] at fault” is just that, an excuse.

The fact that anyone uses that excuse says it all.

If you are going to do drugs or drink, know how it affects you (and not just how you think it affects you) and know when enough is enough.

And remember, whatever you do affects others.

I can prove that by simply drawing…and that is just using a pen.

Some drugs are illegal for a reason, some are legal…either way, miss-using/abusing drugs is a potential recipe for disaster.

Be responsible for your choices whatever they happen to be.

Junkie Delusions…

I survived the winter in Central tunnel, though at the time I wasn’t paying rent so bad days were not a huge issue as I had a little leeway, but the biggest concern are the junkies who frequent the area.

One such individual would pass by, stopping to look at the prints and in a quiet voice ask for a picture. No problems, always happy to help someone out with a print.

The Cracked Kettle

But then there were the times when he was drunk and high on something, where he would get aggressive.

And because of the visual impact I had, he would focus his attention on me…never a fun moment.

I think over a period of a month, he would threaten to bash me several times with the worst of it being the times he threatened to stab and cut me up for daring to think about his girlfriend (who I didn’t know as I had never seen him with anyone that I recall)

The time I called the police for assistance, the response was less than helpful, advising me to vacate the area as I would be in the wrong if I responded in any way unless he swung first.

Not exactly eager to be stabbed I would avoid the tunnel for three (?) days…not something I could afford to do.

During those days I ran through my options for self-defence, many of which would get me into trouble.

Finally I settled on purchasing a small portable torch the size of my fist. With 16 LEDs, it was very bright, just the thing to use against a junkie, after all, if they are coming at you, they need to see you.

When a couple of police officers wandered past, I would even mention my “defence”…which when the officer took the torch from me to look over, resulted in a dubious look as to its validity for the use I intended.

Sure it was a metal casing, but being the size of my fist, certainly of no use to swing as a weapon (which was the point to operate within the rules regarding weapons for self-defence…specifically, you can’t have any. So no tasers, pepper spray or knives boys and girls) and the tunnel was well lit so of what use is a torch?

Thankfully I have never had cause to use it for defence, though that may be because I have avoided the tunnel for the past few months while the days have been fairly good weather wise (though recently I have been thinking I may need to return as the winter approaches)